Tag: solar eclipse

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #676: PARABNORMAL PANDEMONIUM 4


    Pandemonium returns as just about anything goes. Jeremy talked about the solar eclipse, CERN, Baltimore bridge collapse, bird flu, our food supply, the earthquake in Taiwan and signs of the end of days.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #673: ECLIPSING REALITY w/ Pastor Paul Begley & Steve Kates

    Ep. #673: ECLIPSING REALITY w/ Pastor Paul Begley & Steve Kates

    There’s a lot of hype about the solar eclipse on April 8th which will bring totality across part of the United States as the Moon blocks out the Sun. Among the chatter are plenty of conspiracy theories with officials telling us to stock up on food and water and prepare for widespread cell phone disruptions.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #669: PARABNORMAL PANDEMONIUM 3


    Anything between the paranormal and abnormal is bound to happen when we open up the show to you. Jeremy also discussed some of the recent UAP developments and conspiracy theories regarding the coming solar eclipse.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #625: HERE COMES THE SUN w/ “Dr. Sky” Steve Kates

    Ep. #625: HERE COMES THE SUN w/ “Dr. Sky” Steve Kates

    The Sun is getting a lot of attention these days with the coming solar eclipses and the intensification of solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

  • Thumbnail for Total Solar Eclipse To Thrill Skywatchers

    Total Solar Eclipse To Thrill Skywatchers

    On Monday, August 21st, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun.  Those within the path of totality can see one of nature’s most awe inspiring sights – a total solar eclipse.