‘Paranormal 13’ ranks “Into The Parabnormal” #4 show, #5 podcast

For the second year, “Into The Parabnormal” has cracked the ‘Paranormal 13’ list from Talk Stream Live’s Paranormal Radio App.

We are ranked the 4th most-listened to show and #5 on the podcast charts.

‘Paranormal 13’ is an annual ranking of the most popular paranormal podcasts, streaming shows and stations listed at Talk Stream Live’s Paranormal Radio platform channels and apps. Programs featuring UFOs, ETs, ghosts, cryptozoology, conspiracy theories, supernatural, and the unexplained are all part of the annual rankings report.

We thank Bill Frees and staff for their continued loyal support!

You can listen on the Paranormal Radio app for iPhone and Android or from your computer/mobile device here.

Source: Paranormal 13

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