Tag: abduction
Ep. #226: Chad C. Meek | Gary Parker
Why are people being abducted from around a giant rock in California’s Mojave Desert? We’ll investigate with Chad C. Meek. Are there hidden messages in ancient archaeology? Gary Parker shares the alien message he discovered written beside the Great Pyramid found on NASA’s website, the July 26th connection and what an alien visitation revealed. Father Mike Paraniuk gives insight on Mother Mary’s apocalyptic warning of 100 years ago in regard to a theory that an asteroid that just whizzed by us is the final sign. Plus, Jeremy talks about a claim from conspiracy theorists that UFO investigators are being murdered at a rate of more than one per month.
Ep. #224: Kathleen Marden | Caroline Cory
We discuss the alien abduction of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961 with Betty’s niece, Kathleen Marden. Denise Stoner joined us to share her abduction recollections and what she has learned from interviewing abductees. We delve even deeper into the science behind extraterrestrial contact with Caroline Cory. Plus, Jeremy enlightens us on a feud over the authenticity of video of a claimed alien autopsy from Roswell and asks is Japan preparing its citizens for disclosure?
Ep. #222: Peter Robbins | Sean Bartok
Peter Robbins discusses his work in ufology, the Brooklyn Bridge UFO abductions, Travis Walton, Debbie Jordan and Betty and Barney Hill. We also talked about the deaths of those involved in investigating the phenomenon and alien-UFO imagery in advertising. Sean Bartok shares intimate details of his family’s alien abduction experiences including documented prints in the snow. Jeremy talks about how Facebook, Google and others are listening to our every move and that’s not so innocent. Also, insider information on a deadly crash of secret military aircraft in the Nevada desert.
Ep. #193: Tom Moore | Tristan Rimbaud
Tom Moore claims his telepathic interactions with ET gave him a unique insight to the connection between extraterrestrials and the human race. We also discussed disclosure by the Russians and past lives. Psychic Tristan Rimbaud gives his 2017 predictions from the economy to education and celebrities. Would you pay to be abducted by aliens? Kayne West says he’s an alien starseed and a woman says she wants to marry a robot.
Ep. #174: Not From Here w/ Preston Dennett
We’ll cover a lot of ground with Preston Dennett on UFOs, ET’s, abductions and some of the stranger aspects of contact like the UFO breathing pool and alien drinks.
Ep. #172: Eugene Braxton
Eugene Braxton claims to have solved the near-death experience and UFO/alien abduction riddles through his work with three world authorities.