Tag: Bible

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #662: TROUBLED WATERS w/ Terry James

    Ep. #662: TROUBLED WATERS w/ Terry James

    From war to threats of nuclear and space-based weapons to talk of a deadly pandemic, daily headlines paint a grim future that may set the stage for the end of days as we know it.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #580: WALKING AMONG EXTRATERRESTRIALS w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    Ep. #580: WALKING AMONG EXTRATERRESTRIALS w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    Since as far back as man can recall, we have wondered if we’re alone in the universe now or in the past and whether another race has tried to communicate with us. Is there evidence to suggest an ancient history of the extraterrestrial variety and what’s the agenda?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #519: STANDING TALL w/ Ryan Pitterson

    Ep. #519: STANDING TALL w/ Ryan Pitterson

    Does the Bible talk of giants known as the Nephilim, the hybrid offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men? Are these supernatural beings the result of a war to rule Heaven and Earth? Ryan Pitterson shares his comprehensive studies of these giants, the book of Revelation and end times prophecy. As far as doomsday scenarios go, there is one going viral of some sort of event on September 24th that spells our demise.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #517: WHEEL IN THE SKY w/ Ken Goudsward

    Ep. #517: WHEEL IN THE SKY w/ Ken Goudsward

    Does the Bible speak to numerous UFO encounters? Ken Goudsward shares his beliefs that many stories of divine intervention seem to be describing metallic flying disks rather than spiritual beings.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #409: On The Trail Of The Nephilim w/ L.A. Marzulli

    Ep. #409: On The Trail Of The Nephilim w/ L.A. Marzulli

    L.A. Marzulli shares his research into the Nephilim that will tear the cloak of darkness off a hidden history and reveal a past that is almost beyond belief.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #360: Bigfoot, Aliens & UFOs: Oh My! w/ Ron Meyer & Jason McLean

    Ep. #360: Bigfoot, Aliens & UFOs: Oh My! w/ Ron Meyer & Jason McLean

    Ron Meyer theorizes that Bigfoot is paraphysical with the ability to shapeshift and is connected to aliens and paranormal phenomenon. Jason McLean proposes that UFO’s and Bigfoot prove the Bible is true.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #285: Jeff Nelken | G.L. Davies | Jim O’Shea

    Ep. #285: Jeff Nelken | G.L. Davies | Jim O’Shea

    Jeff Nelken talks about if we should be concerned about the increasing number of food recalls, what’s safe and what’s not. G.L. Davies relives the horrors of studying a prolific haunted house in West Wales including a battle with mental illness. We’ll explore whether there’s a connection between end times Biblical prophecy and society’s fascination with the paranormal with Jim O’Shea. Plus Jeremy discusses more reports of lights in the sky over California.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #275: ET Revelations w/ Timothy Green Beckley, Tim Swartz & Rev. Barry Downing

    Ep. #275: ET Revelations w/ Timothy Green Beckley, Tim Swartz & Rev. Barry Downing

    From the alien agenda to extraterrestrial manifestations, we dive deep with Timothy Beckley, Tim Swartz and Rev. Barry Downing.