Tag: consciousness

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #563: GATES OF HEAVEN w/ Mike Marinacci & Dr. Benjamin Zeller

    Ep. #563: GATES OF HEAVEN w/ Mike Marinacci & Dr. Benjamin Zeller

    Whether you call it a religion or cult, organized groups who believe in divine powers have existed for generations. Some go far beyond traditional teachings such as using psychoactive drugs in the search for higher consciousness or taking their own lives.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #558: OUTER EDGES w/ Candice Sanderson

    Ep. #558: OUTER EDGES w/ Candice Sanderson

    The contact experience is very complex and often takes a lifetime to understand. Countless individuals are said to have had encounters with beings of all different realms across a vast expanse of universal consciousness that changed their life’s perspective.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #469: WHAT’S CONSCIOUSNESS GOT TO DO WITH IT? w/ Dr. Robert Davis & Dave Beaty

    Ep. #469: WHAT’S CONSCIOUSNESS GOT TO DO WITH IT? w/ Dr. Robert Davis & Dave Beaty

    Dr. Robert Davis and Dave Beaty explore the profound mystery of the true nature of human consciousness, the personal stories of those who believe they’ve interacted with another realm of existence and the search for the answers to this missing link.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #461: PERCEPTION IS REALITY? w/ Cynthia Sue Larson

    Ep. #461: PERCEPTION IS REALITY? w/ Cynthia Sue Larson

    Fitting for a night when we roll back the clocks, we’ll shift our reality with Cynthia Sue Larson who awakens us to alternate realities such as the Mandela Effect and how to navigate an interconnected holographic multiverse through quantum jumps. Plus your calls on any parabnormal subject.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #434: A Conscious Reality w/ Rey Hernandez

    Ep. #434: A Conscious Reality w/ Rey Hernandez

    Rey Hernandez presents the hypothesis that contact experiences are interrelated via non-local consciousness, a manipulation of space-time and a possible multidimensional reality which has spiritual implications.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #407: Beyond The Politics of UFOs w/ Grant Cameron

    Ep. #407: Beyond The Politics of UFOs w/ Grant Cameron

    Grant Cameron explores gateways to the paranormal world that experiencers use to transcend the waking states of reality into realms of the magical and mystical, making contact with non-human intelligence, portals and how the U.S. government may be working on this technology.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #405: Conscious Contact With An ET Race w/ Yossi Ronen

    Ep. #405: Conscious Contact With An ET Race w/ Yossi Ronen

    Yossi Ronen takes us on a journey of face to face contact with extraterrestrials and experiencing consciousness from their perspective.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #339: Collective Consciousness Reality w/ Rob & Trish MacGregor

    Ep. #339: Collective Consciousness Reality w/ Rob & Trish MacGregor

    Rob & Trish MacGregor tap into a matrix of reality far more vast and complex than what science currently recognizes.