Tag: Dr. Christopher Macklin

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #702: AGAINST THEIR WILL w/ Camille James Harman & Dr. Christopher Macklin

    Ep. #702: AGAINST THEIR WILL w/ Camille James Harman & Dr. Christopher Macklin

    From classic alien abduction cases to those that have never seen the light of day, there is something to this phenomenon that a countless number of people have recalled.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #647: PULLING THE STRINGS w/ Dr. Christopher Macklin

    Ep. #647: PULLING THE STRINGS w/ Dr. Christopher Macklin

    The state of planet Earth has many people wondering what’s really going on. Is our reality entirely natural or are we being influenced by outside forces that are feeding off us?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #543: INFILTRATED w/ Dr. Christopher Macklin

    Ep. #543: INFILTRATED w/ Dr. Christopher Macklin

    With the rise of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and transhumanism, the case can be made that it is being used to infect the mind, body and soul. Dr. Christopher Macklin exposes the plot to infiltrate humanity from the inside out.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #411: What Goes Around… Comes Around w/ Michael Betrus & Dr. Christopher Macklin

    Ep. #411: What Goes Around… Comes Around w/ Michael Betrus & Dr. Christopher Macklin

    One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, what have we learned? Are we better prepared for the second wave? What’s the end game? Researcher Michael Betrus analyses the data and makes his case that it doesn’t justify the lockdowns and infringements by governments around the world. Dr. Christopher Macklin reveals what he says is behind the virus, how and why it was created, why it’s most likely the first of many other waves of manufactured diseases that will be unleashed on the world and offers some solutions.