Tag: extraterrestrials

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #688: CLOSE CONTACT w/ Dr. Richard E. Carmen

    Ep. #688: CLOSE CONTACT w/ Dr. Richard E. Carmen

    Tales of close contact with entities that do not appear to be of this earth are often ridiculed and experiencers can face retribution for coming forward. However, it is undeniable that individuals are encountering something which they cannot explain.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #682: PLAUSIBLE DENIAL w/ Ron Janix & Robert Stanley

    Ep. #682: PLAUSIBLE DENIAL w/ Ron Janix & Robert Stanley

    From another classified UAP briefing with members of Congress to a report from AARO that reveals a program to reverse engineer alien technology and a former Navy officer’s assessment that unidentified submerged objects threaten maritime security, these revelations conflict with the government’s official position on UFOs.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #678: ENCOUNTERS OF ANOTHER KIND w/ Brit Elders

    Ep. #678: ENCOUNTERS OF ANOTHER KIND w/ Brit Elders

    Billy Meier’s story of contact with what he claims are extraterrestrial visitors from the Pleiades star cluster has been met with much skepticism within the UFO community. Plus some recent UFO news.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #664: VISITORS FROM BEYOND w/ Avi Loeb

    Ep. #664: VISITORS FROM BEYOND w/ Avi Loeb

    Discoveries of the first interstellar objects known to visit our solar system have been met with controversy over what they are and where they came from.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #656: INDEFENSIBLE w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    Ep. #656: INDEFENSIBLE w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    A report from the Pentagon says the U.S. is not equipped to defend ourselves against an alien invasion and that we lack the ability to track and analyze UFOs. This follows a private briefing involving members of Congress that found claims by whistleblowers of the government possessing alien bodies and spaceships have merit.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #653: COSMIC CONUNDRUMS w/ Jobe Soffa Clarke

    Ep. #653: COSMIC CONUNDRUMS w/ Jobe Soffa Clarke

    There is much we don’t understand or have misunderstood about everything out in the cosmos. New discoveries are being made that challenge our understanding of what we’ve come to know.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #637: NOT ALONE w/ Nancy Thames

    Ep. #637: NOT ALONE w/ Nancy Thames

    Plans are being made for how to handle the discovery of alien life with closed-door meetings and whistleblowers alleging the government is covering up the existence of extraterrestrials.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #635: EXTRATERRESTRIAL RELATIONS w/ Sylvain Rochon & Claude Chevey

    Ep. #635: EXTRATERRESTRIAL RELATIONS w/ Sylvain Rochon & Claude Chevey

    If we were to engage with extraterrestrials, much like foreign relations among countries, a protocol must be adopted for how to deal with making contact with another race.