Tag: Jon Stewart

  • Thumbnail for EP. #744 W/ STAN DEYO & JON STEWART: “Victor” and the alien interview

    EP. #744 W/ STAN DEYO & JON STEWART: “Victor” and the alien interview

    Controversy over the authenticity of a video purportedly of an alien in distress that was being interrogated by the government in the 90’s along with the identity of who leaked it still lingers.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #737: ON THE RECORD w/ Matt Laslo & Jon Stewart

    Ep. #737: ON THE RECORD w/ Matt Laslo & Jon Stewart

    Congress holds another hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomenon in an attempt to further pull back the curtain on secret research programs as several more whistleblowers come forward to testify.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #630: ALIEN EXPOSE w/ Jon Stewart

    Ep. #630: ALIEN EXPOSE w/ Jon Stewart

    Whistleblowers are revealing themselves claiming to possess evidence of non-human species that has seemingly been covered-up by the government or kept from them. The result is Congress adding UAP into legislation to protect those who speak out and encourage more to come forward.