Tag: military
EP. #749 W/ ROBERT ALLRED: Military UFO encounters and incursions
There has been a lot of attention on military bases of late with incursions involving what are being stated to be drones. The government says while they don’t know what these are, there is no public safety threat. Jeremy welcomes Robert Allred to discuss the documented history of the military’s encounters with UFOs.
Ep. #552: WAR OF THE WORLD w/ Graeme Rendall & Preston Dennett
It is an unprecedented time in our history as the United States has shot down four unidentified flying objects in just over a week. What’s going on and is it an act of war or an alien invasion? Are these surveillance balloons? UFO history has documented many instances of balloons being used to explain away anomalous sightings, but we know better.
Ep. #545: LIGHT IN THE SKY, FIGHT IN THE SKY w/ Ben Hansen & Frank Joseph
From lights in the sky to craft, pilot encounters and full-on fights involving the military and unidentified flying objects, the evidence is overwhelming. Ben Hansen briefs us on the latest UFO developments along with some of the sightings and trends his team has uncovered. Frank Joseph documents a history of armed confrontations in the skies seemingly with another intelligent race.
Video Of Drones Swarming Navy Destroyer Released
The Navy’s most advanced destroyer was swarmed by drones off the coast of Southern California in 2019 according to a new video obtained by The Drive.com’s War Zone.
Ep. #497: ON THEIR RADAR w/ Jeff Kingsbury & Charles Lear
UFOs/UAP are on the radar of NASA, Congress and our military. Why now has the phenomenon risen to this level? Jeff Kingsbury shares his analysis as a servicemember, and Charles Lear tells the history of the “Golden Age of Flying Saucers”.
As the world braces for pending war on many fronts, we discuss the latest developments during open lines.
Ep. #357: From Malmstrom to D.C. w/ Robert Salas
Robert Salas details a 1967 encounter with a UFO that targeted nuclear weapons at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana while he was commander and we’ll discuss his campaign for Congress in California.
Planetary Catastrophe
Reports are that we’ve been on the brink of a planetary catastrophe. We’ll contemplate what that could be in this special report.