Tag: predictions

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #237: Ira Pastor | Tristan Rimbaud

    Ep. #237: Ira Pastor | Tristan Rimbaud

    Ira Pastor, CEO of Bioquark talks about their work reviving the brain dead, human regeneration, diseases, anti-aging and more. Psychic Tristan Rimbaud reveals his 2018 predictions and looks back at 2017.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #193: Tom Moore | Tristan Rimbaud

    Ep. #193: Tom Moore | Tristan Rimbaud

    Tom Moore claims his telepathic interactions with ET gave him a unique insight to the connection between extraterrestrials and the human race. We also discussed disclosure by the Russians and past lives. Psychic Tristan Rimbaud gives his 2017 predictions from the economy to education and celebrities. Would you pay to be abducted by aliens? Kayne West says he’s an alien starseed and a woman says she wants to marry a robot.