Tag: religion
Ep. #729: SIGNS FROM ABOVE w/ John Milor & Ella LeBain
UFOs and aliens have been reported by witnesses of all denominations for thousands of years and believers have interpreted scripture as proof of their existence.
Ep. #691: HOLY GHOSTS w/ Michael H. Brown & Mark Christopher Lee
The Vatican has revised how the Catholic Church treats reports of apparitions and other supernatural phenomenon while we’re hearing more about the spiritual aspects of such encounters.
Ep. #563: GATES OF HEAVEN w/ Mike Marinacci & Dr. Benjamin Zeller
Whether you call it a religion or cult, organized groups who believe in divine powers have existed for generations. Some go far beyond traditional teachings such as using psychoactive drugs in the search for higher consciousness or taking their own lives.
Ep. #519: STANDING TALL w/ Ryan Pitterson
Does the Bible talk of giants known as the Nephilim, the hybrid offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men? Are these supernatural beings the result of a war to rule Heaven and Earth? Ryan Pitterson shares his comprehensive studies of these giants, the book of Revelation and end times prophecy. As far as doomsday scenarios go, there is one going viral of some sort of event on September 24th that spells our demise.
Ep. #517: WHEEL IN THE SKY w/ Ken Goudsward
Does the Bible speak to numerous UFO encounters? Ken Goudsward shares his beliefs that many stories of divine intervention seem to be describing metallic flying disks rather than spiritual beings.
Ep. #496: PLAY IT BLACK w/ David John Oates
David John Oates through backwards messages reveals the antichrist takeover of the modern church and exposes the Depp vs. Heard trial and Uvalde school massacre.
Ep. #413: MERRY CHRISTMAS w/ Reena Kumarasingham & Father Mike Paraniuk
Reena Kumarasingham illuminates the secret stories of the early Christian church and divine consciousness. Father Mike Paraniuk shares some of the Catholic church’s Christmas traditions.
Ep. #304: Leon Bibi
Leon Bibi explores human origin, UFO’s, pyramids, religion and science and the suppression of its proof. Plus Jeremy talks about Momo and news of the parabnormal.