Tag: UFO
Ep. #619: NOT LIKE US w/ Preston Dennett
Talk of alien corpses of late brings back to mind stories of governments hiding the existence of non-human specimens. Is this a deliberate plot to prepare us for disclosure or a coordinated disinformation effort?
Ep. #618: NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER w/ Darcy Weir
NASA’s independent UAP study team released its report stating that they do not know the origin of unidentified anomalous phenomenon, but there is no evidence to suggest its extraterrestrial. When questioned further, they failed to reply with a straight answer.
NASA Releases Report From UAP Study Team, Appoints Research Director
NASA’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study team released its report on Thursday followed by a briefing on the matter and appointed a Director of UAP Research.
Ep. #615: A NEED TO KNOW w/ Grant Cameron
The history of UFO disclosure efforts being stonewalled sheds light on who has a need to know and who does not. Presidents through the years have supposedly been showed the evidence and sworn to secrecy while some have pushed for the release of information during their terms in office.
Pascagoula River Alien Abductee Calvin Parker Passes Away
Calvin Parker, who along with his co-worker Charles Hickson, reported they were taken by extraterrestrial beings into a craft and examined while fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi on October 11th, 1973, has passed away.
DOD’s UAP office finally has a website
More than a year after its creation, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has an official website, but no reporting system.
Ep. #603: GREY AREA w/ Robert Treat
The alien abduction experience has been widely reported yet is often excluded from the UFO discussion. Abductees say they’re often taken against their will, experimented on and provided with some knowledge from the greys.
House Oversight Committee Holds UAP Hearing Against Pentagon’s Wishes
For the second time this year, Congress held a hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomenon and the Pentagon reportedly stood in the way of witnesses testifying.