Ep. #470: THE SKY IS FALLING w/ Marshall Masters

An underwater volcano erupts in the Tonga Islands, triggering tsunami warnings thousands of miles away along the U.S. Coast. Marshall Masters looks at the earthquake trends and data on fireballs that he believes shows the danger of a major impact event with catastrophic loss of life is more possible than ever.  And he outlines his survival strategy.



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One Reply to “Ep. #470: THE SKY IS FALLING w/ Marshall Masters”

  1. Widetracker

    Please read: “The Way home or face The Fire”.

    Malachi 4:1 For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn like an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts, that it shall leave of them neither root nor branch (nothing).

    The man that wrote ” The Way home or face The Fire ” also made the DVD
    ” 7/7 Ripple Effect ” about the London bombings in 2005. This man’s name is
    John Anthony Hill, His Spirit-being ( names ) are: JAH, Muad’Dib and Elijah.

    Friends of Muad’Dib:

    Muad’Dib means ” Teacher of Righteousness ” in Arabic.
    Psalms 68:4 Sing unto God, sing praises to His name: extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His name JAH, and rejoice before Him.

    1:2 And He said: Whoever finds the explanation of these words will not taste death.
    1:3 Jesus said: Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds, and when he finds, he will be troubled, and when he has been troubled, he will marvel and he will reign over the All.
    1:4 Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: “See, the Kingdom is in heaven”, then the birds of the heaven will precede you.
    1:5 If they say to you: “It is in the sea,” then the fish will precede you.
    1:6 But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you.

    LLTK, ( Long Live The King )

    P.S. Abdiel Freeman’s articles on Before it’s News and other links.

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