Reed Summers has an urgent message about the extraterrestrial presence in our world.
Don Allison shares the experience of meeting a ghost at Gettysburg and personal paranormal encounters.
Plus Jeremy discusses time travel, ET contact, a creepy doll with eyes that move and more.
- The Allies of Humanity: Book One
- I Met a Ghost at Gettysburg: A Journalist’s Journey Into the Paranormal
Social Media
- Facebook: @ReedSummers
- Facebook: @DonAllisonOnMyMind
- Twitter: @ReedSummers7
News Links
- Conspiracy theories surface on YouTube Kids
- How would we react to extraterrestrial life? ‘Rather well,’ ASU professor says
- 13 Reasons to Believe Aliens are Real
- Watch: Creepy moment Chucky-like ‘devil’ doll follows camera with spooky eyes
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