Dr. Dean Radin looks into whether telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psychokinesis powers are really scientifically possible.
Suzan Hayden talks about astrology, how it’s used and gives readings.
Julia Sellers enlightens us on out of body experiences and inter-dimensional travel.
- Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe
- Star Power Astrology
- I Have Seen It Tomorrow
Social Media
- Facebook: @DeanRadinsPage
- Twitter: @DeanRadin
- Twitter: @AstrosHayden
News Links
- UFO researchers release video of strange craft hovering in night sky over NC town
- Abilene pilot claims mid-air UFO spotting
- No signs of foul play in death of CDC scientist
- Hubble space telescope captures image of most distant star ever seen
- Scientists Explore The Possibility Of Life Hidden Inside The Clouds Of Venus
- Telepathic superhumans with ability to read ANYONE’S mind could be real by 2038
- Astronomers Witness Massive Unexplained Explosions in Deep Space
- Researchers Find Evidence of Thousands of Black Holes in the Center of Our Galaxy