We present this show in memory of Linda Godfrey, who passed on November 27th, 2022 at the age of 71.
Tyler Rogoway details a UFO encounter involving multiple pilots and strange activity at Area 51.
Linda Godfrey and Seth Breedlove lead us on the ultimate journey into the dark side of cryptozoology investigating encounters with a wolf-like creature known as “Dogman”.
Rob and Trish MacGregor discuss the existence of a more expansive reality beyond the one we ordinarily experience.
- Beyond Strange: True Tales of Alien Encounters and Paranormal Mysteries
- Secrets of Spirit Communication: Techniques for Tuning In & Making Contact


Social Media
- Facebook: @TheWarZoneWire
- Facebook: @LindaGodfreyAuthor
- Facebook: @SmlTownMonsters
- Facebook: @Rob&TrishMacGregor
- Twitter: @TheWarZoneWire
- Twitter: @Aviation_Intel
- Twitter: @LindasGodfrey
- Twitter: @SmlTownMonsters
- Twitter: @SethBreedslove
- Twitter: @TrishMac
News Links
- Listen As Multiple Airline Pilots Report Very High-Speed Unidentified Objects Over Ireland
- KC-135R Tanker From Edwards AFB Flew This Peculiar Night Mission Over Area 51
- International Team, NASA Make Unexpected Discovery Under Greenland Ice
- Frozen super-Earth discovered six light-years away
- Unexplained Megacryometeor Nearly Kills Man in England
- Isro-Nasa project finds black hole that spins near max possible rate
- China’s state-run press agency has created an ‘AI anchor’ to read the news
- A ‘Dark Matter Hurricane’ is Storming Past Earth. It Could Help Scientists Detect the Strange Substance
- St Helens woman reports UFO sightings