Maureen St. Germain offers instruction on how to access the Akashic Records and confirm the accuracy of the information received.
We’ll ponder the possibility that aliens are from Atlantis with Bobby Eckert.
Tyler Rogoway speaks about the latest aircraft chaff incident over New Mexico. And Jeremy analyses the trend and throws some new data and theories into the argument.
Social Media
- Facebook: @StGermainMaureen
- Facebook: @AliensAreFromAtlantis
- Facebook: @TheWarZoneWire
- Twitter: @RGEckert
- Twitter: @TheWarZoneWire
- Twitter: @Aviation_Intel
News Links
- Mysterious Cloud Of Chaff Lights Up Radar Over Dozens Of Miles Of New Mexico Airspace
- Astronomers Have Discovered Another Mysterious Dimming Star, And It’s Even More Epic
- Harvard Scientists Begin Experiment To Block Out The Sun
- NASA finds strange alien planet hiding outside our solar system
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