We take a virtual trip to the Oregon Ghost Conference with Rocky Smith, Ross Allison, Darrin Scholl and Juhl Helias.
Social Media
- Facebook: @oregonghostconference
- Facebook: @nwghosttours
- Facebook: @aghostonline
- Facebook: @spookedinseattle
- Facebook: @dbkinvestigations
- Facebook: @juhlthelias
- Twitter: @nwghosttours
- Twitter: @aghost2001
- Twitter: @juhlhelias
News Links
- US Space Force launches satellite after short delay
- Heads up! Chinese rocket debris crashes back to Earth after recent launch
- Fourth Recent Bigfoot Sighting in Littleton NC Rattles Witness
- The Atmosphere of Uranus Is Literally Leaking Gas Into Space
- The FDA just approved a new rapid coronavirus test that can diagnose the virus in 45 minutes
- NASA supercomputers join fight against coronavirus