In Memory Of Parabnormal News Host Brad Bernards

We are saddened to report the loss of friend and Parabnormal News host Brad Bernards, who has passed to the other side. Rest in peace, friend.

Brad stepped up to the plate to pinch hit after the loss of our prior host John Jeter in 2019. He quickly moved into the role and made it his own, becoming a familiar voice to many as he reported the news for our show between June of 2019 and this past December.

Brad’s Valentine Radio was one of my first affiliates and he remained loyal to the program for more than six years. He was a quiet guy who was never shy about using his voice and helping others with his expertise.

Thank you to Travis Bubenik of Marfa Public Radio for allowing the use of part of his 2015 interview with Brad where we learned more about the person he was.

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