Is A Russian Satellite Spying On The U.S.?

(PARABNORMAL NEWS) — A Russian spy satellite is believed to be shadowing the U.S.

Kosmos 2558 launched on August 1st and appears to be within 37 miles of a classified American reconnaissance satellite that launched in February.

“That’s really irresponsible behavior,” Gen. James H. Dickinson, Commander of U.S. Space Command told NBC News.

“We see that it’s in a similar orbit to one of our high-value assets for the U.S. government.  And so we’ll continue like we always do, to continue to update that and track that,” Dickinson added.”

This is just the latest move in orbit by Russia to face criticism.

Debris from an anti-satellite weapons test nearly collided with the International Space Station in June.  Last fall, astronauts took cover when Russia destroyed a defunct satellite that produced an estimated 1,500 pieces of orbital debris.

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