Study Looks Into Links Between Sleep & Paranormal Beliefs

PARABNORMAL NEWS — Are you seeing ghosts? Or are you just tired? There could be something to the belief that paranormal happenings are more common at night.

A study of 8,800 people at the Goldsmiths University of London looked at how sleep deprivation breeds perceptions of ghosts, demons and aliens; finding that such beliefs are more common among insomniacs and those who generally get fewer hours of sleep.

They say that around two-thirds of those who experience sleep paralysis or loud sounds in their head were convinced that aliens walk among us.

Nearly 60 % with sleep paralysis said they thought near-death experiences prove that the soul lives on after death.

The teams say their findings could help diagnose sleep disorders in some believers of the strange.

Several previous studies have linked such beliefs to sleep disorders with some reportedly summoning nefarious spirits called jinn or an evil cat-like witch, known as Pandafeche.

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