If beings from another place and time could communicate with mankind, perhaps they would do so through ambassadors to share their revelations with humanity. What might these messages from higher states of consciousness reveal?
Jeremy welcomes Viviane Chauvet who claims to be a human hybrid in telepathic communication with sentient life forms and Patricia Cori tells of an out-of-body experience that led her to be the messenger for a council of interdimensional light beings.

Social Media
- Facebook: Viviane Chauvet Galactic Healer
- Facebook: Patricia Cori
- Twitter: @GalacticV
- Twitter: @Sirianvoice
- Instagram: @viviane_chauvet
- YouTube: Viviane Chauvet Arcturian Healer
- YouTube: Patricia Cori
News Links
- Senate Intelligence bill gives holders of “non-earth origin or exotic UAP material” six months to make it available to AARO
- Gillibrand Secures Full Funding For UAP Office In Senate Defense Bill Markup
- People prone to apophenia are more likely to believe COVID-19 conspiracy theories and paranormal phenomena