Into The Parabnormal’s Jeremy Scott appears in two Bigfoot documentaries

J. Horton Films and Sky Island Storytelling have released two new documentaries about Bigfoot featuring Into The Parabnormal’s Jeremy Scott as one of the featured commentators. Both are now available to stream for free.

Bigfoot: King of Cryptids” takes you deep in the heart of the wilderness where a legend walks. Towering over other tales of the unknown, a giant among myths, this is the story of Bigfoot, the king of cryptids. From the remote, fog-laced forests of the Pacific Northwest to the secluded woodlands of the Appalachian range, sightings of this elusive creature span across diverse landscapes, each tale adding depth to a narrative that has gripped the world’s imagination for decades.

Bigfoot Does Not Exist” delves into the myth and reality of America’s favorite cryptid featuring interviews with scientists and enthusiasts, alongside deep dives into the habitats where Bigfoot is said to roam. The film debunks long-held beliefs and showcases the psychological allure of legends in shaping human perception in a captivating exploration that challenges the line between myth and reality.

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