
  • Thumbnail for Ep. #693: OTHERWORLDLY ENCOUNTERS w/ Preston Dennett & Dolly Safran

    Ep. #693: OTHERWORLDLY ENCOUNTERS w/ Preston Dennett & Dolly Safran

    Official briefings and mainstream media ignore the peculiar when it comes to the highly complex subject of UFOs including countless wild stories of contact with a species that might not be from here.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #692: WHEN THEY CAME w/ Thomas Jane

    Ep. #692: WHEN THEY CAME w/ Thomas Jane

    While the official narrative concerning aliens is that there’s nothing to see, we can’t rule out the possibility that we are not alone.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #691: HOLY GHOSTS w/ Michael H. Brown & Mark Christopher Lee

    Ep. #691: HOLY GHOSTS w/ Michael H. Brown & Mark Christopher Lee

    The Vatican has revised how the Catholic Church treats reports of apparitions and other supernatural phenomenon while we’re hearing more about the spiritual aspects of such encounters.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #690: VIRAL TRANSMISSION w/ Dawn Lester

    Ep. #690: VIRAL TRANSMISSION w/ Dawn Lester

    Bird flu is reportedly killing off bird populations and infecting mammals while the first case of H5N1 jumping from a cow to human has been recorded. Officials are now warning us to be on alert, but is it all overblown?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #689: MCMENAMINS UFO FEST 2024

    Ep. #689: MCMENAMINS UFO FEST 2024

    LIVE! from McMinnville, Oregon at the 24th annual McMenamins UFO Fest, Jeremy welcomes James Clarkson, Suzanne & Scott Ramsey, Ron James, Garrett Graff, Roderick Martin and Ryan Graves for a wide-ranging discussion on ufology from the government’s involvement to crashes, cover-ups, whistleblowers and military encounters.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #688: CLOSE CONTACT w/ Dr. Richard E. Carmen

    Ep. #688: CLOSE CONTACT w/ Dr. Richard E. Carmen

    Tales of close contact with entities that do not appear to be of this earth are often ridiculed and experiencers can face retribution for coming forward. However, it is undeniable that individuals are encountering something which they cannot explain.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #687: DIVINE INDOCTRINATION w/ Jim Willis

    Ep. #687: DIVINE INDOCTRINATION w/ Jim Willis

    Divine beings such as gods or deity and other spiritual entities that are worshiped in religious practices could be the source of supernatural phenomena including apparitions according to some believers. That is something which the Vatican is preparing to address.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #686: A DEMON’S PREY w/ Rev. Bill Bean

    Ep. #686: A DEMON’S PREY w/ Rev. Bill Bean

    Demonic entities have been known to prey on individuals to take control over their lives and cause them to act out of character. We’ve seen this more often in news coverage with people claiming they were possessed and that the devil made them do it.