
  • Thumbnail for Ep. #661: WILD ENCOUNTERS w/ Keith Bearden

    Ep. #661: WILD ENCOUNTERS w/ Keith Bearden

    A creature yet to be recognized by science has been said to roam the wild and countless individuals have claimed to be lucky enough to experience it.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #660: TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER w/ Rabbi Mellul & Wajid Hassan

    Ep. #660: TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER w/ Rabbi Mellul & Wajid Hassan

    Did aliens seek out man as their ambassadors on Earth? Claude “Rael” Vorilhon and the late Dr. George King say they were chosen to communicate on behalf of extraterrestrial races.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #659: CRAFTING A THEORY w/ G.O. Turner

    Ep. #659: CRAFTING A THEORY w/ G.O. Turner

    Nearly every day all over the world, witnesses are seeing unidentified objects in the sky, some of which appear to defy the laws of physics. What’s behind this technology?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #658: WAKE-UP CALL w/ Alan Pearce

    Ep. #658: WAKE-UP CALL w/ Alan Pearce

    Recent studies have made groundbreaking discoveries about what happens to the brain when the body is in a coma having a near-death experience and as one passes.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #657: BIO WARS w/ Ryan Gable

    Ep. #657: BIO WARS w/ Ryan Gable

    The weaponization of humans is the focus of a new report commissioned by an office of the Pentagon while the World Health Organization warns of a future pandemic and a robot implants the first brain-computer interface into a human.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #656: INDEFENSIBLE w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    Ep. #656: INDEFENSIBLE w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    A report from the Pentagon says the U.S. is not equipped to defend ourselves against an alien invasion and that we lack the ability to track and analyze UFOs. This follows a private briefing involving members of Congress that found claims by whistleblowers of the government possessing alien bodies and spaceships have merit.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #655: HERE’S YOUR SIGN w/ Jeff Harman

    Ep. #655: HERE’S YOUR SIGN w/ Jeff Harman

    Tensions are high with talk of war involving nuclear weapons escalating and a fight along the border. This comes as we go through some of the most intense and dire times according to astrology.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #654: SPECTRAL WHISPERS w/ Kelly Palmatier & Tiffany Warren

    Ep. #654: SPECTRAL WHISPERS w/ Kelly Palmatier & Tiffany Warren

    Navigating the ethereal boundaries between the living and the dead is an ability which some are said to possess. Those who claim to be psychic are known to use their senses to make contact with the departed.