
  • Thumbnail for Ep. #486: MAKING CONTACT w/ Tyler Transue, Chris Ruppert & Su Walker

    Ep. #486: MAKING CONTACT w/ Tyler Transue, Chris Ruppert & Su Walker

    Ask those who have experienced aliens, UFOs, telepathy, consciousness and hybrids and you’ll hear everything the government doesn’t want you to know, let alone believe. Tyler Transue, Chris Ruppert and Su Walker tell the reality of contact.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #485: DEMON INFESTED w/ Adam Blai

    Ep. #485: DEMON INFESTED w/ Adam Blai

    Shocking accounts of demonic infestation are recounted by Adam Blai who draws from his extensive experience in assisting with cases of demonic oppression and possession.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #484: COVIDELUSION w/ Mike Wallach & Celia Farber

    Ep. #484: COVIDELUSION w/ Mike Wallach & Celia Farber

    As more people are opening their eyes to the COVID-19 lies and misdirection, Mike Wallach and Celia Farber reveal the extraordinary pseudoscience in the virology papers that were used to justify the entire pandemic.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #483: OREGON GHOST CONFERENCE 2022


    LIVE! from the 10th annual Oregon Ghost Conference, Jeremy talks with Vivien Powell & William Becker, Marge Harding & Rocky Smith, Ellen MacFarlane & Devin Sisk, J. Allen Cross, Clyde Lewis and Ira Kitmacher.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #482: OREGON GHOST CONFERENCE 2022


    LIVE! from the 10th annual Oregon Ghost Conference, Jeremy talks with Karen Frazier, Ross Allison & Chad Goodwin, June Lundgren and Teresa Carol.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #481: VIOLATED BY GHOSTS w/ Ross Allison & Chad Goodwin

    Ep. #481: VIOLATED BY GHOSTS w/ Ross Allison & Chad Goodwin

    Naked subjects are taken to haunted sites for experiments with unexplainable paranormal energy that affects the human body. Ross Allison and Chad Goodwin try to see if they can prove physical touch from a ghostly presence.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #480: THE PHOENIX COVER-UP w/ Dr. Lynne Kitei

    Ep. #480: THE PHOENIX COVER-UP w/ Dr. Lynne Kitei

    The Phoenix Lights, witnessed by the masses across several states on March 13th, 1997, is still as much a mystery today with no official explanation. Lynne Kitei, M.D. shares the latest evidence and why there’s still a cover-up 25 years later.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #479: THE ET MUZZLE w/ Kathleen Marden

    Ep. #479: THE ET MUZZLE w/ Kathleen Marden

    Kathleen Marden takes off the muzzle to reveal the forbidden knowledge she has gleaned about UFO contact and experiencers.