
  • Thumbnail for Ep. #368: A COVID NEW ORDER

    Ep. #368: A COVID NEW ORDER

    Is COVID-19 a plot by the Illuminati to bring about a New World Order?  Jeremy discusses the conspiracy and Lovall Areli joins us with his perspective.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #367: DARK FLEET w/ Len Kasten

    Ep. #367: DARK FLEET w/ Len Kasten

    Len Kasten reveals the Nazi-Reptilian infiltration of the U.S. government, their secret space program and slave colonies throughout the solar system.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #366: Plague Psychology

    Ep. #366: Plague Psychology

    Do Event 201 and Crimson Contagion suggest we are living in a simulation with COVID-19? Also the implications of video games like Plague Inc. and Pandemic, and the psychology of plague.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #365: The Power of Past Life Regression w/ Steve Burgess

    Ep. #365: The Power of Past Life Regression w/ Steve Burgess

    Steve Burgess shares accounts of past life regressions and their healing powers.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #364: Ghosts of Oregon 2

    Ep. #364: Ghosts of Oregon 2

    We take another virtual trip to the Oregon Ghost Conference with Sharon Sananda and Tracee Gorman, Tobe Johnson, William Becker and Jeff Davis.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #363: Ghosts of Oregon 1

    Ep. #363: Ghosts of Oregon 1

    We take a virtual trip to the Oregon Ghost Conference with Rocky Smith, Ross Allison, Darrin Scholl and Juhl Helias.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #362: The Planet X Deception w/ Marshall Masters

    Ep. #362: The Planet X Deception w/ Marshall Masters

    Marshall Masters talks survival and the Coronavirus pandemic being used as a deception to distract us from Planet X.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #361: Martial Law: A Pandemic of Fear

    Ep. #361: Martial Law: A Pandemic of Fear

    Life as we know it has changed due to fears over the Coronavirus pandemic. Are you ready for martial law? Let’s seriously discuss what’s behind this since we are obviously not being told the truth.