
  • Thumbnail for Ep. #266: Mary Rodwell

    Ep. #266: Mary Rodwell

    Mary Rodwell talks about genetic engineering of a new species of human, her methods of providing counseling and support for people who have contact experiences and more.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #265: Karen A. Dahlman | Karen Noe

    Ep. #265: Karen A. Dahlman | Karen Noe

    The practice of ouija and using it to talk to spirits, channeling the late Dr. Wayne Dyer and communications from beyond.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #264: MUMMIES w/ Steve Mera, Barry Fitzgerald & John DeSouza

    Ep. #264: MUMMIES w/ Steve Mera, Barry Fitzgerald & John DeSouza

    Analysis of the mummies dug up in Nazca, Peru, non-terrestrial contact, the revelation from alien visitors and more.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #263: UFOs w/ Tom Pettit & Ken Pfeifer

    Ep. #263: UFOs w/ Tom Pettit & Ken Pfeifer

    The history of extraterrestrial beings and humans including government documentation, UFO sightings report and more.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #262: Tyler Rogoway | Open Lines

    Ep. #262: Tyler Rogoway | Open Lines

    Tyler Rogoway documents an airplane pilot’s unexplained encounter in the sky over New York including air traffic control audio. Jeremy talks about UFO sightings on the uptick in Connecticut and the connection with the deaths on June 24th of those involved with UFO’s. And Terry Lovelace joined in as co-host during Open Lines.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #261: Leonard David | Aaron Hunter

    Ep. #261: Leonard David | Aaron Hunter

    The space force, future of space exploration on Mars and beyond, and stories of real paranormal activity.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #260: Michael Mayes | E.G. Rowley

    Ep. #260: Michael Mayes | E.G. Rowley

    Michael Mayes talks about the black panther phenomenon and why the creature should not exist scientifically. E.G. Rowley takes us through an unconventional journey of time travel.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #259: Don Philips | Patty Greer

    Ep. #259: Don Philips | Patty Greer

    The “Demons In Seattle” case, drawing out phenomena in haunted locations, crop circles and more.