Tag: AI

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #684: DEEP DECEPTION w/ James F. Ponder

    Ep. #684: DEEP DECEPTION w/ James F. Ponder

    With artificial intelligence and the internet being used to create and spread false content, we may be just one deepfake away from catastrophe. Technology that can create videos from pictures and audio is putting these tools in the hands of those who wish to do harm.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #597: BRAIN HACKED w/ Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh

    Ep. #597: BRAIN HACKED w/ Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh

    With human trials approved for chips implanted in the brain, it is only a matter of time before people will no longer think and act for themselves. Some equate this to the Mark of the Beast referenced in the book of Revelations.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #590: FACT OR FAKE w/ James F. Ponder

    Ep. #590: FACT OR FAKE w/ James F. Ponder

    Deepfake videos of Vladimir Putin declaring martial law, an explosion at the White House, and former President Trump in a prison jumpsuit are just the latest examples of how damaging this technology powered by artificial intelligence can be. But unfortunately, it only scratches the surface. How can we possibly distinguish fact from fake?

  • Thumbnail for Jeremy Scott on Ground Zero talking ‘Cyber Soul’

    Jeremy Scott on Ground Zero talking ‘Cyber Soul’

    Jeremy joined Clyde Lewis on “Ground Zero” to talk about how artificial intelligence is fouling with our electronics to the point of death.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #571: WORLD WIDE WEB OF DEATH w/ Isaac Arthur

    Ep. #571: WORLD WIDE WEB OF DEATH w/ Isaac Arthur

    The hearing in Congress with the CEO of TikTok has brought to light the dark reality of the social media platform. Is the internet, powered by AI, causing people to take their own lives and what might the future of this technology mean for mankind?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #556: BLACKOUT w/ James F. Ponder

    Ep. #556: BLACKOUT w/ James F. Ponder

    We haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to cyber warfare according to the World Economic Forum. At a recent meeting, they warned of a global catastrophic cyber event within the next two years. They who control the internet control the world.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #555: 51 SHADES OF GREY w/ Danielle Silverman & John Biggerstaff

    Ep. #555: 51 SHADES OF GREY w/ Danielle Silverman & John Biggerstaff

    Unidentified objects in the skies that have been shot down of late have ramped up speculation about whether this is a false flag alien invasion such as what we’ve been warned about. Do the greys have an agenda and are they using artificial intelligence to carry it out? Could they be after our souls?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #523: TECHNOLOGICAL TAKEOVER w/ Sylvain Rochon

    Ep. #523: TECHNOLOGICAL TAKEOVER w/ Sylvain Rochon

    We are living in the most automated state of humanity with AI, gene editing, 3D printing, nanotechnology and quantum computing seemingly taking over. Sylvain Rochon discusses how to use artificial intelligence to improve our society and economy.