Tag: alien abduction
Ep. #732: OUT OF THIS WORLD w/ Bruce Rapuano, Ph.D.
Memories of being kidnapped by aliens and forced into physical and psychological experimentations are very real to those who are taken. There seem to be many similarities among the experiences which could indicate an agenda behind it.
Ep. #718: FLASHBACK: ALIEN CONTACT w/ Mark Anthony
Studies of late have concluded that belief in aliens visiting Earth is becoming increasingly popular while alien civilizations might be too advanced or too rare for us to detect. But what about the countless stories of close contact?
Ep. #702: AGAINST THEIR WILL w/ Camille James Harman & Dr. Christopher Macklin
From classic alien abduction cases to those that have never seen the light of day, there is something to this phenomenon that a countless number of people have recalled.
Ep. #693: OTHERWORLDLY ENCOUNTERS w/ Preston Dennett & Dolly Safran
Official briefings and mainstream media ignore the peculiar when it comes to the highly complex subject of UFOs including countless wild stories of contact with a species that might not be from here.
Ep. #677: ALIEN RECALL w/ Yvonne Smith
Those who report that they’ve been taken by aliens often don’t fully recall the abduction until they enter a hypnotic state. Through regression, memories of extraordinary encounters come back to life.
Ep. #644: BREEDING GROUNDS w/ Karin Wilkinson
Accounts of extraterrestrial abductions have been accompanied with wild stories. For those who experience it, the agenda can be disturbing.
Ep. #626: EXTRATERRESTRIAL EXAMINATION w/ Philip Mantle & Dr. Irena Scott
50 years ago, Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson claimed they were abducted by extraterrestrial beings and examined on board a ship while fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi on October 11th, 1973.
Pascagoula River Alien Abductee Calvin Parker Passes Away
Calvin Parker, who along with his co-worker Charles Hickson, reported they were taken by extraterrestrial beings into a craft and examined while fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi on October 11th, 1973, has passed away.