Tag: alien

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #452: TRACKING UFOs w/ Peter Davenport

    Ep. #452: TRACKING UFOs w/ Peter Davenport

    Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center discusses his proposal for detecting UFOs using passive radar and the latest sighting reports. Jeremy comments on recent encounters involving passenger planes, military jets and police helicopters.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #443: Ancient Alien Theory w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    Ep. #443: Ancient Alien Theory w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    Have world mythologies, including the Bible, confused the idea of God with ancient ET visitations? And what are the implications for humanity? We’ll explore that and more with Paul Anthony Wallis.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #437: Cracking The Genetic Code w/ Pane Andov

    Ep. #437: Cracking The Genetic Code w/ Pane Andov

    Pane Andov lays out the evidence that interdimensional beings are monitoring certain biological processes inside human bodies.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #429: Crop Circle Connections w/ Gary King & Darcy Weir

    Ep. #429: Crop Circle Connections w/ Gary King & Darcy Weir

    Gary King and Darcy Weir take us inside some of the most incredible crop circle designs and propose theories such as a possible ET connection.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #420: An Alien Reckoning w/ Terry Lovelace & Matthew Roberts

    Ep. #420: An Alien Reckoning w/ Terry Lovelace & Matthew Roberts

    Terry Lovelace shares candid memories from a lifetime of experiences with ET’s and tales of encounters with the unknown from some of his readers including Matthew Roberts from the USS Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #415: Close Encounters of the Eisenhower Kind w/ Paul Blake Smith

    Ep. #415: Close Encounters of the Eisenhower Kind w/ Paul Blake Smith

    Paul Blake Smith pieces together a puzzle revealing that President Dwight D. Eisenhower met with friendly aliens and that other American presidents likely renewed Ike’s secret agreement with these visitors. Jeremy discusses the 180 day UFO disclosure clock, a document data dump, the shell game, top UFO stories of the past year and more.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #412: In Search Of The Truth w/ Stephen Padilla

    Ep. #412: In Search Of The Truth w/ Stephen Padilla

    Is it really possible that we are alone in the universe?  Stephen Padilla shares his collection of UFO data and reports that spans 50 years.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #407: Beyond The Politics of UFOs w/ Grant Cameron

    Ep. #407: Beyond The Politics of UFOs w/ Grant Cameron

    Grant Cameron explores gateways to the paranormal world that experiencers use to transcend the waking states of reality into realms of the magical and mystical, making contact with non-human intelligence, portals and how the U.S. government may be working on this technology.