Tag: alien

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #350: Project Blue Book w/ Paul Hynek & Mark O’Connell

    Ep. #350: Project Blue Book w/ Paul Hynek & Mark O’Connell

    Paul Hynek, son of Dr. J. Allen Hynek reflects on his father, Project Blue Book and the state of ufology. Biographer Mark O’Connell digs deeper into Hynek’s life story and case files.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #348: Disclosure – Hindsight 2020 w/ Stephen Bassett

    Ep. #348: Disclosure – Hindsight 2020 w/ Stephen Bassett

    Stephen Bassett has the latest developments on UFO/ET disclosure and Jeremy looks at some recent news that makes him wonder.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #347: KECKSBURG w/ Cody Knotts

    Ep. #347: KECKSBURG w/ Cody Knotts

    Cody Knotts unravels the mystery of the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO crash of 1965 and the government conspiracy surrounding the event.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #334: UFO EYEWITNESS w/ Chris Brown, Michael Orrell & Mike Robinson

    Ep. #334: UFO EYEWITNESS w/ Chris Brown, Michael Orrell & Mike Robinson

    Three separate UFO eyewitnesses open up about their personal experiences.  Chris Brown details a close encounter in Oregon from 2011, Michael Orrell documents a cluster of UFO’s in California in 1990, and Mike Robinson shares his experiences with lights in Arizona and a craft near New Mexico from 2016.

  • Thumbnail for UAP For Real

    UAP For Real

    Jeremy reports on significant developments regarding military encounters with what the Navy now officially refers to as unidentified aerial phenomenon and the aftermath of “Storm Area 51” during this special report.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #329: Wright Patterson – Inside The Real Area 51 w/ Tom Carey

    Ep. #329: Wright Patterson – Inside The Real Area 51 w/ Tom Carey

    Tom Carey opens the vault on the real Area 51 known as Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and evidence of extraterrestrial visitation. Jeremy enlightens us on recent developments on the UFO front and the latest on ‘Storm Area 51’.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #327: UFO’s at School are Cool w/ Preston Dennett

    Ep. #327: UFO’s at School are Cool w/ Preston Dennett

    Preston Dennett details a 170-year history of students and teachers being visited by UFO’s and humanoid beings at school. Jeremy also discusses the recent flap of UFO fleet sightings.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #324: UFO Crash Discourse w/ Lon Strickler & Jeremy Meador

    Ep. #324: UFO Crash Discourse w/ Lon Strickler & Jeremy Meador

    Jeremy states why we are living in the age of disclosure of the alien and ufo phenomena. Lon Strickler examines the stories of experiencers who are exposing the reality of an alien disclosure. Jeremy Meador discusses his research into cases of flying saucer crashes, collisions and landings.