Tag: disclosure
Ep. #441: DISCLOSED w/ Stephen Bassett + Open Lines
Jeremy makes his case for why the UAP report to Congress was disclosure and we open up the lines for reaction. Stephen Bassett breaks it down and briefs us on the latest disclosure efforts.
Ep. #440: Contact In The Desert Month w/ Whitley Strieber & Alan Steinfeld
Whitley Strieber dives into the reality of contact with non-human intelligence. Alan Steinfeld explores the intent and intelligence behind making contact with UFOs and their occupants.
Ep. #436: End Of Days Of Disclosure w/ Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh
In the final countdown to UFO disclosure, Dr. Joye compares these days to Biblical prophecies about the signs of the end of the age.
Talking UFO Disclosure w/ Frank Morano on WABC
Jeremy Scott was a guest on “The Other Side of Midnight with Frank Morano” on the legendary 77 WABC in New York City. We discussed the parabnormal and UFO disclosure.
Jeremy Scott Guests On “Beyond The Tin Foil Hat”
Jeremy Scott makes a guest appearance on “Beyond The Tin Foil Hat” hosted by The Experiencer Support Association. We discuss UFO contact, disclosure, COVID-19 conspiracies and more.
Ep. #357: From Malmstrom to D.C. w/ Robert Salas
Robert Salas details a 1967 encounter with a UFO that targeted nuclear weapons at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana while he was commander and we’ll discuss his campaign for Congress in California.
Ep. #348: Disclosure – Hindsight 2020 w/ Stephen Bassett
Stephen Bassett has the latest developments on UFO/ET disclosure and Jeremy looks at some recent news that makes him wonder.
UAP For Real
Jeremy reports on significant developments regarding military encounters with what the Navy now officially refers to as unidentified aerial phenomenon and the aftermath of “Storm Area 51” during this special report.