Tag: Ethan Siegel

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #307: Glenn Kreisberg | Ethan Siegel

    Ep. #307: Glenn Kreisberg | Ethan Siegel

    What is the Navy really up to? Can you see the connection to all these “disclosure” leaks? And Jeremy has been censored. Glenn Kreisberg decodes the ancient cultural stone landscapes of the Northeast. We’ll delve deep into a black hole and the first-ever photo of one with Ethan Siegel.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #235: Gregory A. George | Ethan Siegel | 2017 Review

    Ep. #235: Gregory A. George | Ethan Siegel | 2017 Review

    Gregory A. George takes us through his past life in the Civil War and hypnotic regressions. We also discuss black holes with Ethan Siegel, a Ph.D. astrophysicist and professor of physics and astronomy. Plus, we review 2017’s top stories, reveal your “Story of the Year” and ponder the “Doorway Effect”.