What is the Navy really up to? Can you see the connection to all these “disclosure” leaks? And Jeremy has been censored.
Glenn Kreisberg decodes the ancient cultural stone landscapes of the Northeast.
We’ll delve deep into a black hole and the first-ever photo of one with Ethan Siegel.
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- U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs
- The US Navy secretly designed a super-fast futuristic aircraft resembling a UFO, documents reveal
- What The Hell Is Going On With UFOs And The Department Of Defense?
- NASA’s InSight Lander Captures Audio of First Likely ‘Quake’ on Mars
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- Cleveland’s Slavic Village residents report unexplained light flashes, sonic booms
- Cryptid’ Added to the Dictionary
- LHC Scientists Reveal New Plan to Trap Dark Matter, Says Higgs Boson May Be “Portal to The Dark World”
- You Could Travel Through a Wormhole, but it’s Slower Than Going Through Space