Tag: flying saucer
EP. #744 W/ STAN DEYO & JON STEWART: “Victor” and the alien interview
Controversy over the authenticity of a video purportedly of an alien in distress that was being interrogated by the government in the 90’s along with the identity of who leaked it still lingers.
Ep. #634: DISC-LOSING w/ Chris Aubeck
Disc-shaped UFOs have been reported throughout history, but they’re almost non-existent anymore. The flying saucer has since been replaced by new shapes and designs that witnesses are reporting.
Ep. #472: TR3B: A TRIANGULAR POINT OF VIEW w/ Grant Cameron, Darcy Weir & Jim Goodall
Sightings of triangle-shaped UFOs have wowed witnesses for decades. Grant Cameron pieces the puzzle together behind the phenomenon. Darcy Weir and Jim Goodall expose the secrets behind the legendary TR3B that is said to be the first alien vehicle reproduced by the military for space travel.
Ep. #415: Close Encounters of the Eisenhower Kind w/ Paul Blake Smith
Paul Blake Smith pieces together a puzzle revealing that President Dwight D. Eisenhower met with friendly aliens and that other American presidents likely renewed Ike’s secret agreement with these visitors. Jeremy discusses the 180 day UFO disclosure clock, a document data dump, the shell game, top UFO stories of the past year and more.
Ep. #412: In Search Of The Truth w/ Stephen Padilla
Is it really possible that we are alone in the universe? Stephen Padilla shares his collection of UFO data and reports that spans 50 years.
Ep. #398: Taken For Granite w/ Nomar Slevik & Mike Stevens
Nomar Slevik and Mike Stevens detail a life of encounters with extraterrestrials and how Mike navigated through the terrors that forever scarred his mental health.
Ep. #394: Drive-In UFOs w/ Preston Dennett
Preston Dennett opens his case files on UFO encounters at drive-in movie theaters.