Tag: haunted

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #698: PANDORA’S BOX OF THE PARABNORMAL


    We open up pandora’s box where anything parabnormal can happen as Jeremy welcomes all-new guests to the program.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #641: PARANORMAL BAGGAGE w/ Sylvia Shults

    Ep. #641: PARANORMAL BAGGAGE w/ Sylvia Shults

    Just about any place can exhibit paranormal activity. While a vacation might seem relaxing on the surface, be careful what you bring home.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #631: DEAD AIR w/ Greg Mansfield, Jill Shelley, Roy Condrey, Devin Sisk & Ellen MacFarlane, Breannan S. Matris

    Ep. #631: DEAD AIR w/ Greg Mansfield, Jill Shelley, Roy Condrey, Devin Sisk & Ellen MacFarlane, Breannan S. Matris

    You never know what might blast through your speakers on All Hallows’ Eve, but dead air can certainly be guaranteed. Jeremy welcomes several guests and presents a collection of Halloween short stories.

  • Thumbnail for 10 Halloween Short Stories For “Dead Air”

    10 Halloween Short Stories For “Dead Air”

    As part of tonight’s “Dead Air” broadcast, we present a collection of ten Halloween stories.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #617: CURSED BY THE TOUCH w/ The Booth Brothers

    Ep. #617: CURSED BY THE TOUCH w/ The Booth Brothers

    Objects associated with paranormal activity are often regarded as being cursed or having negative energy which can linger within a thing, person or place and it’s not as simple as getting rid of it to cleanse oneself of these attachments.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #569: OREGON GHOST CONFERENCE 2023


    LIVE! from the Oregon Ghost Conference in Seaside, Oregon, Dr. Kelly Renee Schutz details a haunted life, Dr. James Nelson brings forensics into paranormal investigation, Holly Marie sheds light on dark entities and attachments, Kevin Brown, Lenval Logan & Sarah Gamm discuss UAPs, spirits and mediums and Director Rocky Smith puts icing on the cake.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #568: OREGON GHOST CONFERENCE 2023


    LIVE! from the Oregon Ghost Conference in Seaside, Oregon, we talk with Aine Sullivan about the Ouija board, Sarah Lemos on communicating with the departed, Darrin Scholl discusses the Klondike restaurant and bar, June Antoinette Nixon takes us to old cemeteries and graveyards, Tristan David Luciotti explores the Flavel House plus a few impromptu special guests stop by including a “haunted” doll.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #535: HAUNTED HUMAN w/ Dr. Brian Laythe

    Ep. #535: HAUNTED HUMAN w/ Dr. Brian Laythe

    Do anomalous experiences perceived as being ghostly manifest recurrently to the same individuals? Dr. Brian Laythe shares his team’s research into who has paranormal experiences and why.