Tag: pandemic

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #735: PANDEMIC PACT – WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER w/ Janet Phelan

    Ep. #735: PANDEMIC PACT – WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER w/ Janet Phelan

    A new pandemic treaty is in the works that the World Health Organization hopes to adopt that would set the stage for the response to future pandemics.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #662: TROUBLED WATERS w/ Terry James

    Ep. #662: TROUBLED WATERS w/ Terry James

    From war to threats of nuclear and space-based weapons to talk of a deadly pandemic, daily headlines paint a grim future that may set the stage for the end of days as we know it.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #657: BIO WARS w/ Ryan Gable

    Ep. #657: BIO WARS w/ Ryan Gable

    The weaponization of humans is the focus of a new report commissioned by an office of the Pentagon while the World Health Organization warns of a future pandemic and a robot implants the first brain-computer interface into a human.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #601: PLANDEMIC OF FEAR w/ Mike Winner

    Ep. #601: PLANDEMIC OF FEAR w/ Mike Winner

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been declared over, but was there really ever a virus or was it a planned exercise in putting fear in the populous to control us?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #551: PLANDEMIC w/ Ryan Gable

    Ep. #551: PLANDEMIC w/ Ryan Gable

    Another tabletop exercise playing out a fictional pandemic known as Catastrophic Contagion took place in Belgium last October much like Crimson Contagion and Event 201 in 2019 leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic and one recently with monkeypox. We expose the agenda and its ties into control and world overpopulation.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #484: COVIDELUSION w/ Mike Wallach & Celia Farber

    Ep. #484: COVIDELUSION w/ Mike Wallach & Celia Farber

    As more people are opening their eyes to the COVID-19 lies and misdirection, Mike Wallach and Celia Farber reveal the extraordinary pseudoscience in the virology papers that were used to justify the entire pandemic.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #465: OMIGOD w/ Deborah Tavares & Elana Freeland

    Ep. #465: OMIGOD w/ Deborah Tavares & Elana Freeland

    With Omicron being discovered in South Africa and spreading across the world, the fear mongering over the new COVID-19 variant has already begun. What once was considered conspiracy theory is now less speculation and more of a reality. Deborah Tavares and Elana Freeland make sense of the nonsense and open more eyes to this global control agenda at play.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #390: Played By The Plandemic w/ Ryan Gable

    Ep. #390: Played By The Plandemic w/ Ryan Gable

    We expose the misinformation, disinformation and censorship of the planned COVID-19 pandemic with Ryan Gable.