Tag: pandemic
Ep. #366: Plague Psychology
Do Event 201 and Crimson Contagion suggest we are living in a simulation with COVID-19? Also the implications of video games like Plague Inc. and Pandemic, and the psychology of plague.
Ep. #359: Coronavirus: A Novel Idea w/ Ryan Gable & Don Trumbull
Should we trust we’re being told the truth about the Coronavirus? Jeremy has the latest data and observations. Ryan Gable theorizes this outbreak could be used as a simulation that may not be man-made. Does it really have HIV elements? Also the effect on Olympic athletes. Don Trumbull outlines just how unprepared we are for a pandemic.
Ep. #349: Three Seconds Until Midnight w/ Dr. Steven Hatfill
Dr. Steven Hatfill states why we are not prepared to handle a flu pandemic like 1918 that killed millions worldwide.