Tag: UFO

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #224: Kathleen Marden | Caroline Cory

    Ep. #224: Kathleen Marden | Caroline Cory

    We discuss the first documented alien abduction of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961 with Betty’s niece, Kathleen Marden. Experiencer and researcher Denise Stoner joined us for a segment to share her abduction recollections and what she has learned from interviewing abductees. We delve even deeper into the science behind extraterrestrial contact with Caroline Cory. Plus Jeremy enlightens us on a feud over the authenticity of video of a claimed alien autopsy from Roswell and asks is Japan preparing its citizens for disclosure?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #222: Peter Robbins | Sean Bartok

    Ep. #222: Peter Robbins | Sean Bartok

    Peter Robbins discusses his work in ufology, the Brooklyn Bridge UFO abductions, Travis Walton, Debbie Jordan and Betty and Barney Hill. We also talked about the deaths of those involved in investigating the phenomenon and alien-UFO imagery in advertising. Sean Bartok shares intimate details of his family’s alien abduction experiences including documented prints in the snow. Jeremy talks about how Facebook, Google and others are listening to our every move and that’s not so innocent. Also, insider information on a deadly crash of secret military aircraft in the Nevada desert.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #220: Dr. Irena Scott | Ken Pfeifer

    Ep. #220: Dr. Irena Scott | Ken Pfeifer

    Dr. Irena Scott talks about investigating UFO’s from a scientific approach, identifying aircraft, visiting Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, hoaxers, the story of a Deputy Sheriff who saw alien bodies at Roswell. MUFON investigator Ken Pfeifer shares UFO case files of sightings in Oregon, Iowa, Wyoming and England.  And we discuss the case of the Portland UFO sighting from April 26, 2017 that seems to have mysteriously disappeared from record. Jeremy also discussed the eclipse, a study linking out-of-body experiences to ear problems, and dressing up as a Bigfoot.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #215: Paul Blake Smith | Carlo Armenise

    Ep. #215: Paul Blake Smith | Carlo Armenise

    We recount with Paul Blake Smith the events of April 12th, 1941 at sundown when three gray aliens are said to have crash-landed their circular spaceship in a field outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri in what is believed to be America’s first UFO crash. Carlo Armenise talks about the struggle of good vs. evil and his beliefs in the supernatural. Plus, Jeremy outlines the June 24th Connection.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #214: Christopher O’Brien | Annette Munnich

    Ep. #214: Christopher O’Brien | Annette Munnich

    Christopher O’Brien has investigated more than 1,000 paranormal events, UFO reports, unexplained livestock deaths, haunted sites, Native American legends, cryptozoology, secret military activity and folklore. Annette Munnich has documented a wide array of true paranormal encounters. And here comes the summer of UFO’s.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #212: GOVERNMENT DISCLOSURE PLAN w/ Grant Cameron

    Ep. #212: GOVERNMENT DISCLOSURE PLAN w/ Grant Cameron

    Grant Cameron reveals what’s really happening with the UFO disclosure movement and who’s behind it.  He also talks about a president being abducted, the coming revelation of a portal and much more. Jeremy says he’s fed up with how the media continues to fall for fake UFO news. And is a message of nuclear war taking over prime-time television another sign of what’s to come?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #211: Rev. Michael J.S. Carter | Jaclyn Gutleber

    Ep. #211: Rev. Michael J.S. Carter | Jaclyn Gutleber

    Rev. Michael J.S. Carter discusses his encounters with grays, reptilians and Nordics and how these events healed him. Also, what the Bible and Koran say about aliens and UFO’s, Christianity, disclosure, end of the world, fake news and more. Jeremy opens our eyes to how telepathy is being used and how it could be used against mankind. Is there something we are not aware of yet that is killing half of the population? And a story that might be too raw to be true. Jaclyn Gutleber delves into angelic communications, shares her out-of-body experience, leads us on a guided meditation and talks about its benefits.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #209: L.A. Marzulli | Ken Pfeifer

    Ep. #209: L.A. Marzulli | Ken Pfeifer

    L.A. Marzulli talks about how religion is dealing with UFO’s, a connection to end times, the “cat and mouse” game of disclosure, new information about Roswell involving entities with six fingers and a retired pilot’s 7-minute encounter in the air. Ken Pfeifer details reports of ‘alien craft’ from Oregon, Washington and California, and a possible craft on Mars.  He also discusses the story of former NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden that led to his resignation. And we ask Gary Campbell of the Official Loch Ness Monster Register if Nessie has returned as a tourist in Scotland claims.