Tag: disclosure

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #682: PLAUSIBLE DENIAL w/ Ron Janix & Robert Stanley

    Ep. #682: PLAUSIBLE DENIAL w/ Ron Janix & Robert Stanley

    From another classified UAP briefing with members of Congress to a report from AARO that reveals a program to reverse engineer alien technology and a former Navy officer’s assessment that unidentified submerged objects threaten maritime security, these revelations conflict with the government’s official position on UFOs.

  • Thumbnail for Jeremy talks ‘The Great Deception’ with JP on The Paradigm Shift

    Jeremy talks ‘The Great Deception’ with JP on The Paradigm Shift

    Jeremy and JP discussed ‘The Great Deception’ on “The Paradigm Shift” as heard on Ground Zero Radio tonight.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #665: ABOVE TOP SECRET w/ Ryan S. Wood

    Ep. #665: ABOVE TOP SECRET w/ Ryan S. Wood

    Although secrecy remains over what has been documented about the UFO/UAP enigma for nearly 100 years, the government is getting closer towards declassifying what it knows with the National Archives launching its new database as mandated by Congress. But what will they tell us that we don’t already know?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #651: AN UPHILL BATTLE w/ Paul Hynek & Stephen Bassett

    Ep. #651: AN UPHILL BATTLE w/ Paul Hynek & Stephen Bassett

    The back and forth on what to disclose and what not to disclose about UFOs continues. Members of Congress are briefed in a top-secret meeting while new legislation is unveiled to protect those who report their sightings.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #646: DECLASSIFIED

    Ep. #646: DECLASSIFIED

    From Congressional hearings on unidentified anomalous phenomenon or UFOs to whistleblowers coming forward and legislation mandating how the government handles the release of classified information, this year was monumental for disclosure.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #643: AND NOW OUR FEATURED PRESENTATION w/ Dan Harary, Shawn West & Sean Jablonski

    Ep. #643: AND NOW OUR FEATURED PRESENTATION w/ Dan Harary, Shawn West & Sean Jablonski

    Hundreds of motion pictures depicting aliens and flying saucers have been produced over the decades. Some would argue it’s a means to prepare us for an imminent reveal.

  • Thumbnail for Discussing UAP Disclosure Act, Sean Kirkpatrick’s Resignation, CIA Program with Frank Morano

    Discussing UAP Disclosure Act, Sean Kirkpatrick’s Resignation, CIA Program with Frank Morano

    Jeremy and Frank discuss efforts to kill the UAP Disclosure Act, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick’s resignation from AARO and whistleblowers alleging the CIA has a secret UFO crash retrieval program.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #639: NON-DISCLOSURE ACT w/ Stephen Bassett

    Ep. #639: NON-DISCLOSURE ACT w/ Stephen Bassett

    Efforts to block the UAP Disclosure Act should come as no surprise. It’s yet another move to cover-up the evidence and silence whistleblowers who allege the government is not being transparent.