Crew-6 Blasts Off To The International Space Station

PARABNORMAL NEWS — Crew-6, the latest round of astronauts to leave Earth, are approaching the International Space Station.

After calling off a launch earlier in the week due to an ignition fluid issue, the crew of four departed from Kennedy Space Station early Thursday morning on a 25-hour trip to the space station.

NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen and Warren Hoburg, astronaut Sultan Alneyadi from the United Arab Emirates and Roscosmos cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev will spend the next six months conducting science and maintenance.

This is the sixth operational mission for NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. Crew-5 is scheduled to return home next week.

Source: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-6 Safely En Route to International Space Station

This comes just days after Russia sent a rescue vessel to bring another crew home who was stuck with no return vehicle after a leak. A Soyuz spacecraft launched with supplies for two Russian cosmonauts and an American astronaut on February 24th. They’ve been stranded in space without a way back home since late last year when a micrometeoroid punched a hole in the vehicle. The crew is set to come back home in September. The damaged spacecraft will return to Earth in late March.

Source: Russia launches Soyuz rescue mission to ISS after leak dilemma

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