Jupiter-Venus Conjunction Sparks 911 Calls of UFOs

PARABNORMAL NEWS — Who you gonna call when you see unexplained lights? 911 of course.

The rare conjunction of Jupiter and Venus shining brightly as they passed each other in the sky confused more than a few people last Wednesday night.

“Have y’all gotten any phone calls about a couple of lights”, said one caller to the Hartford Police Department in Wisconsin.

Emergency dispatchers in several states took reports of lights that were not moving from Northern California all the way to Central Florida.

The witness continued: “I’ve just been watching two sets of lights that, you know, aren’t aircraft because they haven’t moved in over 45 minutes.”

On at least one of the nights, the planets appeared close to the moon.

Venus, Jupiter and Mars will be visible again on the night of March 7th during the full moon. So if you’re looking up and see something strange, now you know.

Source: Police departments inundated with 911 calls for bright lights in sky

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