DOD’s UAP office finally has a website

PARABNORMAL NEWS — More than a year after its creation, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has an official website.

The office was created in July 2022 as a branch of the Department of Defense following the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act. The bill included a provision to establish an office in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence.

The department made an announcement about the website,, on Thursday.

“This website will provide information, including photos and videos, on resolved UAP cases as they are declassified and approved for public release. The website’s other content includes reporting trends and a frequently asked questions section as well as links to official reports, transcripts, press releases, and other resources that the public may find useful, such as applicable statutes and aircraft, balloon and satellite tracking sites,” its statement said.

Director Sean Kirkpatrick in a welcome message said: “Our team of experts is leading the U.S. government’s efforts to address Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach.”

What is UAP? Besides ‘unidentified anomalous phenomenon’, the new term for UFO, AARO describes it as following:

“The DoD considers Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) as sources of anomalous detections in one or more domain (i.e., airborne, seaborne, spaceborne, and/or transmedium) that are not yet attributable to known actors and that demonstrate behaviors that are not readily understood by sensors or observers.

“Anomalous detections” include but are not limited to phenomena that demonstrate apparent capabilities or material that exceed known performance envelopes. A UAP may consist of one or more unidentified anomalous objects and may persist over an extended period of time.”

The office still does not have a public email address or phone number to collect UAP reports as the legislation mandates. The website states that a reporting system is “coming soon”. The DOD says a secure reporting tool will be available this fall.

AARO will not initially accept reports from civilians.

It states: “AARO will be accepting reports from current or former U.S. Government employees, service members, or contractors with direct knowledge of U.S. Government programs or activities related to UAP dating back to 1945. These reports will be used to inform AARO’s congressionally directed Historical Record Report. We will announce when a reporting mechanism is available for others to use.”

The website has several videos of declassified UFO incidents that it lists as “unresolved” and links to AARO’s reports that have been made public and transcripts of briefings delivered to Congress.

The official logo in Latin appears to have been officially revealed on the website. Translated to English, it reads: “The universe is changing. Our life is what our thoughts make it”.

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