
  • Thumbnail for Ep. #218: PARABNORMAL PANDEMONIUM 2


    On a night where anything goes, we heard from listeners sharing their experiences about all sorts of phenomena. Jeremy ranted about fake news, the mummies and artificial intelligence. He also spent some time talking about superhumans battling robots and the eclipse.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #217: Cynthia Sue Larson | Douglas Robinson

    Ep. #217: Cynthia Sue Larson | Douglas Robinson

    Cynthia Sue Larson helps us make sense of the Mandela Effect, reality shifts and quantum jumps. Douglas Robinson shares his dreams of vampires and blood drinking.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #216: Richard Estep & Vanessa Mitchell / Haunted House Calls

    Ep. #216: Richard Estep & Vanessa Mitchell / Haunted House Calls

    Richard Estep and Vanessa Mitchell tell us about a haunted medieval prison in England where those accused of witchcraft were imprisoned in the 1500’s. During ‘Haunted House Calls’, it’s your stories of haunted places.  We heard from Blair in Oregon about a haunted bar and belief in the paranormal, and Gene in Pennsylvania talked about waking up in a UFO during a near-death experience and says there is a connection with alien abductions. Jeremy details five of the most violent poltergeist cases.  Plus, a mysterious message from Anonymous warning that NASA is set to reveal the existence of alien life, underground tunnels and the future of artificial intelligence.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #215: Paul Blake Smith | Carlo Armenise

    Ep. #215: Paul Blake Smith | Carlo Armenise

    We recount with Paul Blake Smith the events of April 12th, 1941 at sundown when three gray aliens are said to have crash-landed their circular spaceship in a field outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri in what is believed to be America’s first UFO crash. Carlo Armenise talks about the struggle of good vs. evil and his beliefs in the supernatural. Plus, Jeremy outlines the June 24th Connection.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #214: Christopher O’Brien | Annette Munnich

    Ep. #214: Christopher O’Brien | Annette Munnich

    Christopher O’Brien has investigated more than 1,000 paranormal events, UFO reports, unexplained livestock deaths, haunted sites, Native American legends, cryptozoology, secret military activity and folklore. Annette Munnich has documented a wide array of true paranormal encounters. And here comes the summer of UFO’s.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #213: Dr. Michael Salla | Alan Wright

    Ep. #213: Dr. Michael Salla | Alan Wright

    Dr. Michael Salla shares evidence for the existence of secret space programs, technologies, and Nordic extraterrestrials. We talk with Alan Wright about his out-of-body experience, the time he went to “hell”, spirit attachment and living in a haunted house. And Jeremy eats crow for reporting an item that appears to be fake news.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #212: GOVERNMENT DISCLOSURE PLAN w/ Grant Cameron

    Ep. #212: GOVERNMENT DISCLOSURE PLAN w/ Grant Cameron

    Grant Cameron reveals what’s really happening with the UFO disclosure movement and who’s behind it.  He also talks about a president being abducted, the coming revelation of a portal and much more. Jeremy says he’s fed up with how the media continues to fall for fake UFO news. And is a message of nuclear war taking over prime-time television another sign of what’s to come?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #211: Rev. Michael J.S. Carter | Jaclyn Gutleber

    Ep. #211: Rev. Michael J.S. Carter | Jaclyn Gutleber

    Rev. Michael J.S. Carter discusses his encounters with grays, reptilians and Nordics and how these events healed him. Also, what the Bible and Koran say about aliens and UFO’s, Christianity, disclosure, end of the world, fake news and more. Jeremy opens our eyes to how telepathy is being used and how it could be used against mankind. Is there something we are not aware of yet that is killing half of the population? And a story that might be too raw to be true. Jaclyn Gutleber delves into angelic communications, shares her out-of-body experience, leads us on a guided meditation and talks about its benefits.