Tag: UAP

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #659: CRAFTING A THEORY w/ G.O. Turner

    Ep. #659: CRAFTING A THEORY w/ G.O. Turner

    Nearly every day all over the world, witnesses are seeing unidentified objects in the sky, some of which appear to defy the laws of physics. What’s behind this technology?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #656: INDEFENSIBLE w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    Ep. #656: INDEFENSIBLE w/ Paul Anthony Wallis

    A report from the Pentagon says the U.S. is not equipped to defend ourselves against an alien invasion and that we lack the ability to track and analyze UFOs. This follows a private briefing involving members of Congress that found claims by whistleblowers of the government possessing alien bodies and spaceships have merit.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #651: AN UPHILL BATTLE w/ Paul Hynek & Stephen Bassett

    Ep. #651: AN UPHILL BATTLE w/ Paul Hynek & Stephen Bassett

    The back and forth on what to disclose and what not to disclose about UFOs continues. Members of Congress are briefed in a top-secret meeting while new legislation is unveiled to protect those who report their sightings.

  • Thumbnail for Classified UFO briefing in Congress scheduled to take place behind closed doors

    Classified UFO briefing in Congress scheduled to take place behind closed doors

    Members of Congress will take part in a classified UFO briefing next week. The House Oversight Committee is scheduled to meet with the nation’s top spy chief on Friday.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #646: DECLASSIFIED

    Ep. #646: DECLASSIFIED

    From Congressional hearings on unidentified anomalous phenomenon or UFOs to whistleblowers coming forward and legislation mandating how the government handles the release of classified information, this year was monumental for disclosure.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #644: BREEDING GROUNDS w/ Karin Wilkinson

    Ep. #644: BREEDING GROUNDS w/ Karin Wilkinson

    Accounts of extraterrestrial abductions have been accompanied with wild stories. For those who experience it, the agenda can be disturbing.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #643: AND NOW OUR FEATURED PRESENTATION w/ Dan Harary, Shawn West & Sean Jablonski

    Ep. #643: AND NOW OUR FEATURED PRESENTATION w/ Dan Harary, Shawn West & Sean Jablonski

    Hundreds of motion pictures depicting aliens and flying saucers have been produced over the decades. Some would argue it’s a means to prepare us for an imminent reveal.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #640: INTO THE VOID w/ Mindy Tautfest

    Ep. #640: INTO THE VOID w/ Mindy Tautfest

    There’s a place known as the void where paranormal occurrences may exist. These experiences are unique and yet there could be something that links them together.