Tag: UAP

  • Thumbnail for DOD’s UAP office finally has a website

    DOD’s UAP office finally has a website

    More than a year after its creation, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has an official website, but no reporting system.

  • Thumbnail for House Oversight Committee Holds UAP Hearing Against Pentagon’s Wishes

    House Oversight Committee Holds UAP Hearing Against Pentagon’s Wishes

    For the second time this year, Congress held a hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomenon and the Pentagon reportedly stood in the way of witnesses testifying.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #600: FAR OUT THERE w/ Jessie Desmond

    Ep. #600: FAR OUT THERE w/ Jessie Desmond

    With revelations of UAP and secret programs leading to Congressional action, there is a rich history of UFOs that is only now starting to really see the light of day. Although this global phenomenon has been documented for decades.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #593: TRUST BUT VERIFY w/ Cheryl Costa

    Ep. #593: TRUST BUT VERIFY w/ Cheryl Costa

    Wild claims of crashed UFOs, alien bodies and top-secret programs have been making the rounds of late. These are nothing new with similar stories going back many decades. But is there any truth to these claims and can they be verified?

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #591: CRASHING THE NARRATIVE w/ Ryan Gable

    Ep. #591: CRASHING THE NARRATIVE w/ Ryan Gable

    Two monumental events have taken place in the past week with a whistleblower coming out on national television and five more coming forward at a press conference exposing the deepest and darkest secrets as it relates to UFOs, crash retrievals, alien bodies and top-secret technologies. Are we living in the days of disclosure?

  • Thumbnail for Whistleblowers Speak at Press Event Hosted by Disclosure Project

    Whistleblowers Speak at Press Event Hosted by Disclosure Project

    Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, held a historic event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Monday bringing together a handful of whistleblowers.

  • Thumbnail for Jeremy Talks UFO Whistleblower on “The Secret Teachings”

    Jeremy Talks UFO Whistleblower on “The Secret Teachings”

     Jeremy talks about the claims made by David Grusch of the cover-up of a UFO crash retrieval program and the media’s treatment with Ryan Gable on “The Secret Teachings”.

  • Thumbnail for House To Hold Hearing Following Whistleblower Claims of UFO Crash Retrievals

    House To Hold Hearing Following Whistleblower Claims of UFO Crash Retrievals

    A former high-level intelligence officer made a bold allegation that the U.S. is hiding a top-secret program dealing with crashed UFO retrievals even from those at the highest levels. The chairman of the House Oversight Committee has appointed two committee members to investigate and says that will include a hearing.