Comet from outside solar system approaches Sun as scientists move closer to predicting solar flares

PARABNORMAL NEWS — A comet, 96P/Machholz 1, believed to have come from somewhere outside our solar system is getting closer towards the sun.

The nearly four-mile-wide ball traveling inside the orbit of Mercury is leaving a trail of ice in its wake.

The comet has made its closest pass of the sun since being discovered by David Machholz using a homemade cardboard telescope in 1986. It is currently being monitored by the European Space Agency’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft.

Meanwhile, scientists are closer to predicting coming solar flares thanks to data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory.

A team at Northwest Research Associates identified signals in the corona that point to which regions on the Sun are more likely to discharge light and particles, potentially leading to a better understanding of what causes solar flares and their impacts.

Just two weeks ago, a large coronal mass ejection that occurred unexpectedly struck Earth’s magnetosphere.

Sources: 1) Gigantic ‘alien’ comet spotted heading straight for the sun | 2) Flashes on the Sun Could Help Scientists Predict Solar Flares | 3) Unexpected CME cloud STRIKES Earth; Solar storm set to hit in just hours

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