Tag: sun

  • Thumbnail for Sun fires off largest X flare of the solar cycle

    Sun fires off largest X flare of the solar cycle

    The Sun continues to fire off massive solar flares. An X8.7, the largest eruption of energy from the sun so far this solar cycle, popped off on Tuesday (May 14).

  • Thumbnail for Sun spits out largest solar flare in years

    Sun spits out largest solar flare in years

    A monster solar flare that erupted from the Sun on Thursday is one of the largest ever recorded according to the Space Weather Prediction Center.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #625: HERE COMES THE SUN w/ “Dr. Sky” Steve Kates

    Ep. #625: HERE COMES THE SUN w/ “Dr. Sky” Steve Kates

    The Sun is getting a lot of attention these days with the coming solar eclipses and the intensification of solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #554: CLEANSING THE PALATE w/ David DuByne

    Ep. #554: CLEANSING THE PALATE w/ David DuByne

    If it’s not one thing with the food chain, it’s another. Animals are dead from the recent train crash in Ohio on top of already short supplies of eggs, chicken and grain and more food processing facilities are going up in smoke not to mention inflation. Is it all by design?

  • Thumbnail for Comet from outside solar system approaches Sun as scientists move closer to predicting solar flares

    Comet from outside solar system approaches Sun as scientists move closer to predicting solar flares

    A comet believed to have come from somewhere outside our solar system is getting closer towards the sun. Meanwhile, scientists are closer to predicting coming solar flares.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #527: OPTICAL ILLUSION w/ Lee Austin

    Ep. #527: OPTICAL ILLUSION w/ Lee Austin

    From fictional planets to an apparent greenscreen glitch by the James Webb Space Telescope and the improbability of a probe actually touching the sun, Lee Austin makes the case that reality is not always as it appears.

  • Thumbnail for Sun Continues To Emit Strong Solar Flares

    Sun Continues To Emit Strong Solar Flares

    The sun remains in an increasingly active phase of the 11-year cycle, which is not expected to peak until late 2024 or early 2025.

  • Thumbnail for Ep. #489: FOOD WARS w/ David DuByne

    Ep. #489: FOOD WARS w/ David DuByne

    With inflation at a 40-year high, the Russia-Ukraine war cutting off the distribution chain, an all-out assault on food processing facilities, and widespread drought causing water rationing, food and gas prices are sky high. David DuByne outlines the coming food shortages and how it ties in with the current solar cycle.