Study Finds Stars Are Increasingly Blacked Out By Light Pollution
Noticing fewer stars? It could be because of light pollution according to a group of citizen scientists from around the world who have studied the night sky.
Study Looks Into Links Between Sleep & Paranormal Beliefs
Researchers at the Goldsmiths University of London studied 8,800 people to see how sleep deprivation breeds perceptions of ghosts, demons and aliens.
Scientific Breakthroughs In Fusion Power & Quantum Physics Revealed
Two major scientific breakthroughs have come to light; one in nuclear fusion-based energy and the other in quantum physics.
National Archive On Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Opening In U.S.
An archive of research on unidentified aerial phenomenon has been announced in the Albuquerque area.
Team Proposes Spacecraft To Intercept Interstellar Objects
A team of researchers is proposing to build an “interstellar interceptor” to observe and chase down asteroids in our solar system.
NASA’s Artemis 1 Rocket Makes Unmanned Flight To The Moon
NASA’s Artemis 1 rocket made its historic first flight to the Moon from Florida’s Kennedy Space Center in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.
Rocket Debris From China Lands In Ocean
Debris from a Chinese rocket made re-entry and fell to earth on Friday (Nov. 4th) for at least the fourth time in two and a half years.
Artemis 1 Prepares For Launch After Surviving Two Hurricanes
After more than two and a half months of delays, NASA’s Artemis 1 rocket is headed to the Moon as early as Wednesday, November 16th.